
by Erin   Sep 5, 2006

You and me is what I can see..
But what hurts is that I have to make believe..

I dream of you being there.
But I wake from my dreams and can't find you any where.

The distance is what keeps us apart.
Its like your a stranger... but you not. Justin.. you stole my heart.

Whenever I talk to you on the phone...
you know just what to say to keep me from feeling alone.

I know you would be there to wipe away my tears.
Always be there to hold me close so I dont have any fears.

Guide me through life in a good way.
Always be by my side to make sure I'm O.K.

But me talking to you is whats hurting me the most.
Because I wake from reality and find that you are not close.

The more we talk... the more I want you.
Oh baby, I wish there was something I could do.

I wish that we could be together and I wouldnt have to pretend. But I hide my feelings... for I can only look at you as a friend.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Im So OVER IT

    Wow. I am going through this with a guy I know. This poem is just really good. And so is the others that you wrote. Keep up the great writing

  • 18 years ago

    by hE cAlLs Me HiS oNlY aNgEl

    I feel the exact same way about my justin.. i love it so much!

  • 18 years ago


    I loved your poem made me feel 18 again but you do have a talent girl keep up the writing......

  • 18 years ago

    by Ilana

    I also have a bf named justin and we live very far apart so i can relate to this poem very well i love it alot!
