Comments : Love-Muddled Mind

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin McNulty

    big it up to Lawrence + Craig..............oh yeah, and to Michelle for this poem, hahaha. Now you're writing poems when you're feeling half asleep, nice one. I had a comment like that from 100% Opinionated on one of my poems; it's really quite funny now

  • 20 years ago

    by Michelle

    Thanks CRAIG!! and Kevin means alot to me what YOU guys think..I was just tellin Tim the other night that I only really care what my friends think that read my poems...I do hope everyone else enjoys them, and that's how we MAKE friends on here, with our comments...but if someone chooses not to like it, so be it!! It's not going to ruin my LIFE!!(since I do have one!) Thanks guys...Luv Michelle

  • 20 years ago

    by Michelle

    haha..thanks timmy... :) luv michelle