Too many broken pieces

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Sep 6, 2006

So alone
Deep inside myself I'm crying
I'm screaming and no one can hear
But who would listen if they could anyway?

Sometimes I feel I'm breaking
Sometimes I'm not sure I'm whole
Sometimes I realise I'm cold
But who's gonna warm me now
I'm too broken to be fixed

So take a deep breath
Catch your breath before it slips away
Hold onto it, treasure it
People will take it from you if they can
The worlds cruel
It'll destroy you if you fall

So you're walking with your head down
What is it your thinking?
That if you get far away enough
You'll leave everything else behind
But it follows you
A haunting shadow

You can't leave the past
Not if you're scared of the future
Are you scared?
To be alone?
To feel?
To hurt?
Aren't we all dying a little inside?

The rain starts falling
Now no one can see you cry
Not that they looked before
It's starting to hurt inside
The broken pieces scar your skin

So drown in all your sorrow
Let it wash the pain away
There is no other escape
You're alone
You're hurt
And no one will save you this time...
But... who would want to anyway?


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by PammieBabe

    Exactly what I'm feeling. I love it.

  • 17 years ago

    by DeadandBleeding

    This is a really powerful piece, well done

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    Powerful poem. 5.0

  • 17 years ago

    by Jada

    Whoa, that's kinda weird...I just submitted a quote thingy with the line "too broken to be fixed" ... but I didn't copy it, I promise! :P but now onto the poem...I enjoyed it all, but I especially liked the's like the person goes through this whole thought process and then there's one big blow, one final "smack in the face" for the grand finale...or something like that. anyways, it was really good, keep up the good work! oh, and on a grammatical note... "Now know one can see you cry" -- the "know" should be "no", and in the very last line the "too" should be "to". but still, 5/5!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    I know how you feel seeing as i felt pain sence i was 8 years........holding in pain makes it adding you to my favorites..ive written plenty poems like this...hmhm....5/5

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