Fades Away

by Shaw   Sep 6, 2006

You deserve to die; Happiness is not yours
Dont fool yourself with that smile
It doesn't work! You know it and i know it!
You never was anything; Worthless; Pathetic

Give in now; While you still have a chance
Stop putting yourself threw all this pain
It makes me laugh; That you try
When all along inside! You know you deserve to die

You made all those scars; Because it was right
You drew that blood; Because your to weak to fight
Remember all those tears you cried
And all those pills; All those times you should have died

When you feel to your knees; Whimpering away
Crying tears; Wiping them away; Every day
You knew right from the start! The truth! But no
You gave what you call a life; Another go

Just quit while your ahead
Because no one will care; If you were dead
No one would share a tear for you; Believe me
So go on kill yourself; Set yourself free

Because you were never anything special
You never meant anything to anyone
So wouldn't it be best; To say good-bye and be gone
I was always right; And you was always wrong

I close my eyes tonight; And listen to that voice
The tears; Yes they still roll down my cheeks
But i wipe them away with strength and pride
To know i ignore the truth; And hadn't have died

Close my eyes; Slowly fall to sleep
Waiting for the morning; Knowing my life is complete
With the friends and love i have; I can make it threw the day
And that little voice in my head; Just fades away

Jess Shaw 6/9/06


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