Suicidal Little Mistake

by -Ѕнэ đιεđ ѕсѓεάміηĝ-   Sep 7, 2006

She was a lost soul
Who never fitted in
No friend to call her own
To numb the pain within

People just ignored her
They said she was a freak
Inside the girl was breaking
Her protective wall becoming weak

At home life was no better
Her parents always fought
She was just a pathetic mistake
Or so the young girl thought

People just forgot her
At lunch she sat alone
After school every day
She cried alone at home

But even the person people think are strongest
Eventually break down
The smile they bravely fake
Slowly becomes a frown

She ran home one afternoon
To much pain this girl did hold
The pain of her life story
Slowly began to unfold

The girl wrote her note
Telling them why she had to die
Before picking up the knife
Not one tear did this girl cry

She knew she was escaping
As the blood flowed freely from her wrist
This was not a tragic ending
More like a long awaited wish


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  • 17 years ago

    by Jo Anna EL

    I really enjoyed reading this poem.You can see everything happening so clearly.the girl just running her expression of happinesss always being fake.until finally h er story of life comes to an end and she dies cutting her wrist.
    ~Jo Anna EL

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSuicidalxx

    OMG! I love this poem! It is so sad, but you capture everything so well....keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Tiffany

    I love your wording of this poem. your rhythm is very precise and well done!

  • 18 years ago

    by Moon Princess

    +.+ :). I liked it. And I'll add you as my favourites, cuz your name just seems to be popping up everywhere. Lol. Nice poem. 5/5 +.+

  • 18 years ago

    by Abbey aka the goth girl

    That was a great poem!!

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