My wishes

by Miss Kay   Sep 7, 2006

I wish I could write about something happy
Like a best friend, a cherished love, or even a good day
Then a friendly person I could be
Even if I was only pretending to be okay

I wish I could wake up everyday
With a smile plastered to my face
Without a care in the world, nothing could phase
No one would have to know it was fake

I wish I didn't feel the pain I feel now
And that the past would just fade away forever
Then I wouldn't have to wait for no one to be around
When I cry because of the fact that we're not together

Most of all I wish that just this one time
I could look up with faith
And God would actually be on my side
And try his best to keep me safe

copyright 2006 © Kayla Rogers


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  • 17 years ago

    by StormyStar

    I love this poem its really good i like your emotion

  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah

    I think I can relate to this. I'm sorry, I know it a rough thing to go through. But you know you always have friends on your side, even if you feel like God is not. -Sarah

  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah

    I think I can relate to this. I'm sorry, I know it a rough thing to go through. But you know you always have friends on your side, even if you feel like God is not. -Sarah

  • 18 years ago

    by waking up inside

    I love it keiaishka.. ur amazing