Forgive me

by Dark Rose   Sep 8, 2006

I sit here thinking of you
how you possess my mind...
You ask me to keep it real and true
and leave the past behind...

I've been asked to give love a chance
to be a risk taker and live my life...
Because you promise me romance
with hopes one day becoming your wife...

But I've been told these lines before
Not once, not twice but plenty of times...
So forgive me if your words go on ignored
Because I've had enough of these heartbreak crimes.


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  • 17 years ago

    by silence

    Very very true! Exactly how I feel right now!! We think alot alike lol another great poem though! Keep up the good work! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    NICE i read this till i memorize it