A girl with a past...

by Dani   Sep 9, 2006

She walks down the corridor,
While everyone stares at her,
They whisper secrets of hate
It happens everyday.

She doesn’t want to be reminded,
Of her past that always haunts
But people don’t seem to forget,
Her past of self-destruction.

She’d sit in the bathroom all day,
Only to hear stories of her hidden past.
Tears roll down her pale face
These are her silent cries for help!

Her hand in her pocket,
Her head resting against the wall
All of a sudden she pulls out a blade
From the inside of her pocket.

The silence is broken by her yelps of pain
Everyone is drawn to the noise in the bathroom.
Her cries are becoming softer
As she grows even more weaker.

A group of teens run to the bathroom
To open the door of the first cubicle
They’re horrified by what they see
She killed herself, because of what they did.


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  • 17 years ago

    by FountainsOfBlood

    5/5 that was very well written! XD

  • 17 years ago

    by NinjaGirl

    A sad masterpiece 5/5 deeply moving
