With you

by myshiningstar14   Sep 9, 2006

I looked up,
and our eyes
met; in them
I saw, happiness
and love.

I watched you
from afar,
holding you
only when we
danced. Still
I had to have
one more glance.

Secretly my
feelings for you
churning my
My heart skipped
a beat when I
knew I'd be seeing
Still boy, behind
these pretty green
eyes, and that
fake smile,
lies the biggest
smile of them

Now here I stand,
my arms open
wide, saying:
"Come to my side."
Once again, my heart
is exposed. Still I
know, with you I'm
so composed.

I look up at you,
your eyes lost in
mine; in them we
see something so
much more.

I hold you,
your here next
to me. I feel so
free. Now I know
the me I am
inside; its when
''m together,
with you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Espoirfailed

    This is a great poem but really depressed me cuz of the name of the guy n the green eyes, just reminds me of someone... oh well, well done on this poem

  • 17 years ago

    by dorky goth girl

    Well sounds like u like dave although im guna miss johnny * sighs nd puts on a sad face * o well good luck
    ! ilyas