
by emmerz   Sep 10, 2006

We first met when we were two
It was the start of something new
At such an age even I knew
There was something special about this boy I called 'you'

From sandcastles to slides we were always together
Two peas in a pod, that was us when we were younger
We'd run outside in rainy day weather
Secretly kiss in the rain as we got even wetter

A special bond grew as we got even closer
That mended and deepened as we got older
You pushed me up to be so much bolder
While I took that load off your shoulders

If I had to look back on the times we've had
I'd say you're my best friend, and now I'm glad
That our friendship wasn't some big fad
Yet now it leaves me empty and sad

I haven't heard from you in such a long time
Even though you've been constant on my mind
Please promise me, friend, that if I'm the one you find
That you'll stop by and say hi sometime

** This definitely is not one of my best, but it was a quick thought I had to get down on paper. hopefully something better will come to replace it:) Until, then, I hope you enjoy it


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  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Hmmm...This didn't quite 'click' for me. It was like I was reading a poem, but I didn't understand all of it. I mean...It was ok. But...I dunno. It was off somewhere. Like it was missing something.

    The flow was not too bad. The rhymes were cliche though. If you hadn't made them so cliche, it probably would've made it a little more improved. It was sweet that you were thinking of your friends, it's just...it didn't fit for me. 4/5 xoxo
