
by ChaosHarbour   Sep 10, 2006

The rain streaks down the window pane
to the same rhythm the tear drips down my cheek
the loneliness is driving me insane
and suddenly my eyes have sprung a leak

I find my face drenched with tears
and yet people still pass me by
I scream but no one hears
I am nothing but a lie

can this be for real
can no one see I'm dying inside
I've been harmed but cannot heal
cause I lock myself away and hide

I cannot find myself
buried beneath layers of lies
boxed up, stored on a shelf
as my spirit slowly dies

without a choice i give up all hope
I stand there not knowing what to say
cause i have no idea how to cope
with every horrible day

In this crowd of strangers I'm lost
can no longer find the way home
I had no idea this is what it would cost
with tears streaming down my face, I sit alone

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  • 18 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    This poem is great, and you are so awesome for reading my poems and telling me how you feel about them. i thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. keep on writing shanik