Faery Whispers Told Me

by +Purple Sky+   Sep 10, 2006

Trodding aimlessly along a broken stone path,
On the cold lonely moor in my sanctuary
Rain starts to drizzle and I search for a shelter,
Leading to a discovery which crowned me with ecstasy

As I lean against the rocks, ferns protruding from the cracks
I listen to the wind, I swear I just heard it laugh
A glimpse of something bright entices my curiosity,
Breathlessly I spy them dancing; A circle of faeries

Their hair flows of water, their eyes are pure gold
They do not wear clothes; they're dressed in their souls
They don't eat our food; they soak up the stars
And ne'er do they sleep; they write our dreams full of ghouls

Turning anything to silver with one little wink,
Wearing mischievous smiles and a glow barely seen
They're quick as a moonbeam and smarter than you think,
Their wisdom more ancient than even the sea

I watch full of awe their hypnotical game,
Yearning to join them and share in their play
My mind feels refreshed now from seeing the dainty frame
Of one of them surprising me by beckoning me to stay

She told me her secrets, taking longer than time
Now I understand beauty that lies beneath and behind
Basking in the mystical air, I'd never felt so sublime
It's now my turn to use it and perhaps tell a few of my kind


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  • 18 years ago

    by Dark Demise

    Holy freakin crap, I never saw this one, Why is it not on your featured poems this is your best one by far!, 5/5 Feature this 1...

  • 18 years ago

    by David Marshall

    Wow, thats was really good...your word choice was excellent...this poem is really outstanding...great job. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by In Love[Amanda]

    Sweet i like it...