The flames lick the sky
Smoke circling overhead in the setting sun
Alone, sitting in front of the flames
I just sit here thinking of what I've done
On the sidelines of flames
Inching closer to my feet, resting on the side
My mind far away, thinking of yesterday
Wondering about all the tears I should have cried
Flames lick my feet
The pain I cannot recognize
I watch the red flames in the fading light
Thinking of everything, the truth, the lies
The fire approaches, it climbs my legs
I watch the flames grow larger, climbing higher
The tears I should have cried, I should have cried
I watch as it advances, all I remember is fire
It climbs to my hips, I'm still thinking
The flames lick to my bones
The setting sun, the burning flesh
The imagery no one knows
The flames are on my chest
I lie down and wait for the sun to disappear
The slow burning of my skin, the flames...
Through the flames, a face becomes clear
The sun runs and hides behind the mountains
I lay there with the flames engulfing my melted skin
Flames of red, yellow, orange, black
Burning inside, burning with sin
The flames inch to my face
The tears I should have cried evaporated with the flames
My body ablaze, burning through the dark
The hiding sun, hiding from my pain, my blame
Burning on the ground, flames licking the sky
Will you pray for me?
I still, the flames capture my mind
COULD you pray for me?
Burning body, burning mind, burning everything
The sun hidden, the sky ablaze with me
The fire licks the sky, burns the ground
And through the fire, my tears can be free
"I burn in the fire of eternal nothing
Lost in a world of red flames, black bareness
The sky is gone in the flames of what was
Lost in the flames, fading into the darkness"