The Calling

by myshiningstar14   Sep 10, 2006

Every time the sky
breaks open with
sunlight, the sun
and stars collide;
leaving us hand
-in-hand, till
eternity's send.

It's smile guides
us, cohering us to
it's invisible fingers,
that grope us in the

It calls us, whispering
our names.
It has no real form,
other than
true love; and like a
dove it dips its wings
in both our hearts,
bring us closer than

Every time its eyes
crack open with
tenderness, the heart
within this shell, screams
:"I love you. I loved you
before i knew you."

It's hope drives us,
pushing us closer;
making us fall faster
and faster, deeper
and deeper in love.,

Trying to deny our love,
leaves us more bitter.
We know we're meant
to be together.

It calls us, our souls
feel faint, whenever
we acquaint.
It lingers, holding us,
binding us, loving us.

Every time our hearts
pump open, with "blood"
it streaks my body,
leaving your name on my
heart. It says: "Dave."
Though you can't see it,
it has carved itself,
bearing nothing but the
love God has give me
for you.

It's tears caress us,
holding us together;
making the memories
we now hold, more
special, more true.

Trying. Tying our
hearts together, we
find this is where we've
always longed to be.

It calls us, our everything
finally satisfied, finally
happy. It trickles within
us, sprinkling itself on us.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Corruption

    This is another great poem unable to describe with words and im sry but this is the last poem i can read tonight its kinda late soo ttyl


  • 17 years ago

    by Seronum

    Another Awesome poem! 5/5