Tomorrow I'll be alright...[This is a promise]

by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~   Sep 11, 2006


Tomorrow I'll be alright,
Not to worry, I'll be just fine,
Do believe me, I tell no lies,
Cause tomorrow gonna be yesterday anyway..

Tomorrow I'll be alright,
I'll be happy, you'll see,
My life wouldn't be the same,
Cause each tomorrow is a different day..

Tomorrow I'll be alright,
One day you'll miss me,
Without me missing you,
Cause tomorrow might go on forever and ever..

Tomorrow I'll be alright,
Reaching the stars above,
Forgotten is the past,
Cause history will last..

Tomorrow I'll be alright,
Just remember me as the girl,
Who was once your best friend,
Cause today might be the last tomorrow..

Tomorrow I'll be alright,
Living the day better than yours,
Promise you I will,
Cause that'll be my revenge on you..

Tomorrow I'll be alright,
Achieving the dreams you find impossible,
Miracle is my phrase,
Cause every tomorrow lays a miracle..

Tomorrow I'll be alright,
You lost by what you can't see,
I won with what my heart sees,
Cause that's the secret to eternity..

Tomorrow I'll be alright,
With or without you,
I wouldn't die, cause my friend,
You're dead in my heart..

Just Jane @ 2006


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  • 18 years ago

    by mier

    I know exactly how you feel... i hav that kind of so called 'friend' but never keep in contact..

    Tomorrow I'll be alright,
    With or without you,
    I wouldn't die, cause my friend,
    You're dead in my heart..

    this stanza just made me feel better. you should always believe you can make new friends.. :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Jay-Jammal

    Dunno why i'm the last one to comment your poems but that was really Superb poem...and Keep the good job up..


  • 18 years ago

    by bleed4eternity

    This is a good poem, it seemed optomistic and pessimistic at the same time.. maybe i was missing sarcasum or something, but this poem really made me stop and think, which i liked

  • 18 years ago

    by Stephy

    Awwww SO good! It,s really touching...great job -xxxx-

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni

    Amazing writing. i loved the style of it. i liked your flow with the words. however, at the end it seems a bit wordy, other than that beautifully written 5.5

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