A wise person

by tAsTeSlIkEsKiTtLeZ   Sep 11, 2006

Death is a word we all wanna hear But it isn't the answer to all our fears.
I was told by someone Wise that life is the best gift given. Inside your body is where your heart lies so give us a break and live.
You say people don't love you and you should just die but your parents and friends love you tell me the truth don't lie.
At times yes I say things I'll regret but i haven't said anything super bad yet.
I don't wanna kill my self you say, everyone looking at you with dismay surprised yet happy but confused not amused,by the fact that their family will live once again.
Yes i say I'm dead inside tis everybody is but drowning in your sorrow is nothing but a pig.
So live your life like tomorrow is the end!
But don't reach out and get attention just for your friends.

The Wise person was my brother someone cliche (Dean)

My brother And one of my pride and joys.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    Hmm i don't really know where to put this but i miss you too. . .if you ever want to talk more then just on here email me. . .aunabeth@hotmail.com,know that i'll try and be here for you when you need someone. . .and happy late 11th birthday. . .

  • 18 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    WOW, if you look at life like that...THATS WONDERFUL...thats one of the best ways to look at life..i wish i could look at life like that again...OK NOW TO TALK ABOUT YOU POEM
    OH MY f.u.c.k.i.n.g. GOD
    that was i don't have any words
    that was the best poem i've read of yours i no i said that about the other one but this one has i different side a more postive side well DONE
    I REALLY REALLY HOPE YOU LOOK AT LIFE THIS WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU'LL GO SO FAR WITH YOUR POEMS....this one again is a..........5/5.....GREAT JOB!!!!!

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