Your Lies

by prettygal   Sep 12, 2006

I wish you wouldn't sleep around,
You lie, and caught a disease.
What should I do, just to love you?
Keep getting STD's?

How can you love me like you say?
If you can not be faithful?
I put up with your cheating ways,
And you want me to be grateful?

You tell me that I gave you them.
I do not sleep around.
You look me in the eyes and lie.
You know what I have found.

Should I live within the bliss,
To keep my head held high?
Forget the things I really know.
Keep hearing it denied?

You cannot catch an STD
from having bubble bath!
Do you really think I'm that stupid?
Do you hear when I laugh?

Because all that I seem to do
Is cry, for I love you.
Why can't it be enough to love me
Like you used to do?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Brisa

    Wow. i loved the poem. great one. it has great meaning. and that person has no love. might as well leave them alone

  • 18 years ago

    by C Cattaway

    Oh baby, you sound stronger than you think you are, because you keep staying, living in hope that you and your children will have a future. xx