I dont care how we live..
how our lives turn out
if we marry or not its without a dout
You are my love and always will be
You are in my heart just for me
I will carry you around from place to place
Just so everyone can see the smile on my face
To know that i once was happy
In love with you
I could die tomarrow and still die happy
knowing That I found true love when you were by my side
Nothing can take that away
nothing can change what you have made
You helped me realize no guys are all the same
That if you trully look will find a man with love in his heart
That will make you feel like the world revolves around you
and for once let you realize you are worth more than people choose
My love will never fade for you
If i pass you and you are happy
I will smile still loving you
and loving the fact that I know you have found what you needed and hopefully so have I