You & I

by Daz Mellow   Sep 14, 2006

You & I

You were there when I cried.
You were there when I died.
You were the one that catch my tears.
You were the one that erased my fears.
You did not judge me when I hair looked like cobwebs.
You did not get mad when I spilled ketchup on your new shirt; you just laughed and squirt some on mine.
You laughed with me.
You cried with me.
You were there when the world stopped spinning.
You were there when the world was out of control.
You were there when no one was.
You were there to lend me a hand.
You were there to say,When you doubted yourself, I never doubted you and I never will.
You finished my sentence even when I have not said anything.
You always have my back.
You always knew where I was.
You were there to catch me incase I fall.
You were there to watch me fly.
You were always there for me, and I want to let you know.
I will be there when you fly.
I will be there when you cry.
I will be there when the world stopped spinning and when it is spinning too fast.
I will be there to lend you a hand.
I will always be with you.
You know why?
Because You are my friend.
You & I we make a team.
We wouldn't fly.
We would soar.
We do not cry.
We roar.
There will always be You & I.
Thank You


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  • 17 years ago

    by Laurenf7

    Great poem 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Fan Angeleo

    Keep on keeping on. You are #1.

  • 18 years ago

    by Rahl The Layman Lord

    Nice poem, other than a bit of flow problem I like it. Congrats on what you have.

    -Lord Rahl-

  • 18 years ago

    by yvonne

    Thats tight !!

  • 18 years ago

    by Daz Mellow

    Please rate and comment on how I can improve this poem. Thx