An old mans advice

by John (Mr. Whuppy)   Sep 14, 2006

Work work work for fifty years
blood and sweat and many tears
when your young its exciting and fun
but then your life has just begun
get to twenty go and get wed
someone else to share your bed
kids come along and wear you out
arguments start you scream and shout
give it ten years then cut and run
whats the use theres no more fun
take to the bottle to drown your woe
the aging lines they start to show
you still have to work to pay your way
the kids come at weekends just to say
mom has a boyfriend who we don't like
please come home dad I want a new bike
then get to forty the kids are grownups
no longer the lovable playful pups
they are starting their own life of work and toil
god it makes my blood to boil
whats the point of living this life
if all you get is trouble and strife
then of a sudden you are pensioned off
and all the youngsters scorn and scoff
the bent old man just walking by
with a knowing smile and a tear in his eye
he knows too well just what it means
to be in turmoil when in your teens
so to all you young ones I say
don't try so hard to have a bad day
study and study and make yourself better
than this old man who was not a go getter
then maybe you will find the truth
before its to late and your long in the tooth

Advice for teens


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  • 18 years ago

    by Cassandra Wojick

    I really liked this poem, true talent!

  • 18 years ago

    by Midnight Sun

    Wow! This poem is so powerful and inspirational. You are an amazing poet with so much wisdom...especially for young ones, but really for everyone living life day by day (so really us all). I'd would greatly appreciate you commenting on my poems...I would be honored. Thank you! :)
    ~Midnight Sun

  • 18 years ago

    by xxEvilAngelxx

    True and Helpful message! I will try my best to take your well-meant advice! Wonderful flow and word choice! 5/5

    could you check out my poems?


  • 18 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    "don't try so hard to have a bad day"

    I really liked that. It rung true.
    It's beautiful advice.
    Thank you.


  • 18 years ago

    by A Fallen Angel

    Good message and i will try to aplly it to my life. good flow with your words and rhymes.