The Star in the Shadow of my Tomarrows

by myshiningstar14   Sep 14, 2006

The face of
the star in
the shadow
of my tomarrows,
captures me.

My mind racing,
replaying the
thoughts I have
of us.

I lye here,
my eyes gazed,
amazed at how
much you care.

Your touch,
your kiss.
My only wish to
love you this
much for always.

Though you're
minutes away,
I feel you here;
and it's like I'm
seeing myself
for the first time.

I don't like to
admit this, but
I'm almost afraid
to close my eyes,
for fear that if I
do, I'll wake, and
you'll be gone,
like a deadened

The heart of the
star in the shadow
of my tomarrows
holds me in his
arms, kissing
away the tears.

Your eyes,
your heart.
Though I see you
in my dreams,
and in my
memories when
I wake, nothing
compares to the
look on our faces,
when we see one

You're the star in
the shadow of my
Never will these
feelings fade.

Through thick
and thin, in this
presence of love
I'm in, I know
there's no place
I'd rather be,
than in your arms.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Corruption

    Wow amazing work uve done i got to say u r skilled good job im gonna read more i think im almost done lmao


  • 17 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    You have a new man dave now..
    dang..someone is a
    Nice Poem
    Great job

  • 17 years ago

    by Catastrophic Beauty

    Great poem. So sweet, heart-felt and meaningful. I loved your word usage and it has a very nice flow.

  • 17 years ago

    by NothingGoldCanStay

    :] I liked it a lot. I gave a 5.
    Through thick
    and thin, in this
    presence of love
    I'm in, I know
    there's no place
    I'd rather be,
    than in your arms.

    ^ The ending is very lovely.
