My Love To You

by Goth_Cat   Sep 15, 2006

I was just looking in your eyes,
Hiding those overflowing feelings,
Whenever you stretch, Im there for you,
Because I want you to embrace me gently,

Ive always dreamed of a tomorrow conducted by the two of us,
I wish we could make it come true right now,
I love you so much.

Has this feeling reached you?
Will the smile answer me?
Lets heep walking over the flowing times,
Send my love to you
Into your heart

The most precious thing in the world,
Ive found it in you,
I can no longer hold it in my heart,
This dazzling feeling does not stop,
One by one lets collect the fragments of this dream together,
The treasure between the two of us.


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  • 18 years ago

    by matt

    Wow i really like this poem i hope u check mine out well jw but do u have msn if u do add me plzz at