Not Some Dream/Where my heart truely lies

by myshiningstar14   Sep 16, 2006

This isn't some
this isn't some
puppy love.
This is the real

I was alone in
the closet, of this
world. It hid me,
from your face,
traced with your
eyes that laced
your face.

My stomach churns,
my heart turns in
its shell.
My throat dries,
I can barely speak.
My mind illuminates
with anticipation,
it smiels inside,
awaiting the moment
when our eyes will
meet once again.

I grow anxious,
I want to scream.
please I hope this
isn't some dream
I'm in.

My heart beats faster
as the moment grows
nearer. My thoughts
grow blank, filled
only with what I hope
will be. My tears will
come, full of happiness
will they be, for it is he
that I wait do patiently

I hunger for your touch,
I don't know when I've
ever loved this much.
A rush comes over me
whenever I think of you.
You're more than a crush,
you not only make me
blush to the faintness of
a rose, but you bring my
dreams to life.

I reminance thinking this
isn't real. I am drawn
back, for I know that it's
not some dream, it's my

Is this what it's
like to truely feel?

You seem to heal,
heal this broken heart,
binding those cursed
You seem to peel.
taking away the sheds
I've bared for so long.

This isn't jsut some
this isn't some puppy
this is the real thing.

I didn't think I'd
end up here,
here by your side,
but here is where
my love now abides.

No more painted skies,
or tainted cries,
this is truely where my
heart lies.

This isn't just some
this isn't some puppy
this is the real thing.

** to dave i love you hunnie so much.**


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  • 17 years ago

    by Corruption

    Wow sooo much love this dave guy is lucky to have a girl who loves him as much as u obviously do good job again on this poem also:D


  • 17 years ago

    by Savanha

    Wow... you are amazing!
    very well written. 5/5