Born to die

by FeelingIsickIinmyhead   Sep 17, 2006

Out of the womb I can see the world
In my mothers arms I feel like I want to hurl
I can't wait to see the sights
Knowing that there will be frights
My first steps I finally know how to walk
My first words finally I can talk
Slip and fall I break my head
Crying on my mommy's bed
As time passes I go to school
Oh boy I can't wait to drool
My first word I learned was bully
All when I got my first swirly
Mom and dad fight a lot
For the beer that dad brought
Middle school has come at last
It sure wasn't a blast
I hang out with only a few friends
Knowing that it wont be till the end
Here we go with a fight again
Beat up and humiliated I felt like a hen
My dad died from a drug overdose
Everyone doesn't care so they drink with a toast
High school is such a drag
Feeling like some sort of tag
So much depression I usually feel
So many drugs I always steal
I darken my thoughts everyday and night
Mom screams at me every sight
Only one girl who understands
I hate love but we still hold hands
People taunt me and stare for the way I look
So I start to write in a book
Then I see her kissing another guy
Thinking now I just want to die
Now I realize that guy was my friend
I stab him to make his life end
She cries and weeps while I run away
Now I know I cannot stay
No more friends, no more life
I walk the streets and cut with a knife
Thinking in my sleep
Depression that makes me weep
Time goes by I feel insane
I will now cut my throat to die with pain

(I don't like it really but please if you want to comment it be honest)


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  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle

    Thanksss yah i feel the same way..plenty more to come