Comments : My Reflection

  • 18 years ago

    by Marcus

    That poem was garbage I hate myself I continue to fail to make a good poem

  • Hey this is awsome
    i really like it
    its really good
    well done
    keep up the good writing
    love you xo

  • 18 years ago

    by hippiehxc

    It's absolutely amazing..Keep writing.


  • 18 years ago

    by angel eyes

    This is a real good poem. why do you say that you arent good at poetry. you are the best ive read yet. congrats. keep up the good work. i wanna see more like this. but not the sadness. the happy is what i would like to see

  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Marcus, I loved this poem, and I will read more of them in time. I think this poem was really good, it showed emotion, and the flow was pretty good. Don't get yourself down, you have talent.
    keep writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Tortured Soul

    Omg, thats exactly how i feel. great poem. greatly expressed. keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by Whittney

    I love it. You should actually rap your songs for someone. I believe you could make it pretty far.

  • 18 years ago

    by Misstress

    Very Interesting write..
    Something different.
    Very good choice of words.

    Keep up the good Work!

  • 18 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    Everyone deserves most of the things they get. Don't doubt. I liked this one, nice work.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jacqui Armstrong

    Awe! im sure ur not all those things! chin up!!!
    another great poem!

    well done


  • 18 years ago

    by Krissey

    You honestly don't know how many peoples' feelings you've just described here....sadly, its a feeling we all have been through and know to well, but I did enjoy your poem even though it was sad..I loved the flow of it and your style....SOrry if this is true and something or someone has caused you to feel so down....Great write though, you show your emotion so strongly! Thats great!

  • 18 years ago

    by Letty

    Marcus, I don't understand why you
    would think of yourself that way. You
    have a wonderful talent and this poem
    you have written here is the way a lot
    of people feel a lot of times, including
    myself. Don't try to be perfect, because no one is perfect. If anyone
    say that their perfect they lie. I love
    your poetry and I'm most gracious to
    you for sharing it. Don't be so down
    hun we all strive to be a great poet
    and we all strive to find the good in
    ourselves. Believe me when I say I
    have been doing it everyday for the
    past few months. I just wish that I
    could learn from my own advice. keep
    up the wonderful work darling.



  • 18 years ago

    by mier

    Hey, this poem's nice!!! it's not garbage marcus... it's sorrowful but turns out so inspiring at the end.. seriously, it's touching...

  • 17 years ago

    by Sandra D

    I really like this one, i can totally relate to it, as can so many others im guessing... i like the ending too... it's a happy ending!!! i think... right? smiling means happy, right? ohwell, good job!