Midsummer Magic

by aDORKable x3   Sep 18, 2006

Lying on the grass
Underneath the stars
Wondering if she could reach them
They can't be that far

She observes her surroundings
And sees the normal things
The moon and its brilliant light
What the April showers bring

She wishes she could just sleep there
Surrounded by the mist and dew drops
Nothing could break this feeling
It's like lying in the flower tops

Her little fairy body
Her sparkling jeweled wings
Her small and dainty hands
All decorated in pretty rings

Sitting in the moonlight
It catches in her eyes
Wandering little dryads
Glance up with surprise

Who is this little fairy
So new to this life
Her voice so pure and simple
As beautiful as a fife

Smiling at the moon
The fairy drifts on home
She never feels afraid
Even though she's all alone

Someday she'll grow up
And learn to appreciate everything
But for right now she appreciates
What the midsummer magic brings

I love writing for contests...I never knew that there were such things on here doh* (haha crazyandsweet I took that from you)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    Thats an awsome poem! you got the talent big time!

  • 17 years ago

    by Flying Phoenix

    Simple but effective, and about such and delightful subject to! Very good!
