The gurl

by myshiningstar14   Sep 18, 2006

Sitting, I ponder.
Everything wanders.
The questions
reverberating in my
mind, there words
soon revealing a sign.

who is she, all of a sudden
she has everything?
who is she, able to paint
over her tears, with her
new memories.

who is this shadow looking
at me?
who is she, and why'd it take
her so long to see?

who is this gurl, that seems to
hold the key?
who is this gurl and what does
she want from me?

what is this gurl smiling for?
what has she got, that I do

what did she pretend for?
what was her silent cure?

Flooding colors,
images left and
right, the light
creates it's path
in my mind.

where did she come from, and
why does she look so familiar?
where have I seen her, and
why does she look happier?

where are her tears, and
why isn't she full of fear?

how did she survive?
how did she stay alive?
how did her love still abide,
colliding with her new found

when did she finally learn?
when did her heart's burn,
take a final turn?

who is this gurl looking at me?
who is this gurl, what is she trying
to be?
who is this gurl staring back at me?
who is this gurl so brave, so free?

I follow my destiny to his
heart, no longer will my
life tear us apart.

Swirling together,
my life back in tact.
I smile and walk happily,
laughing at me life, I
now have back.

**this is about a journey i sort of took since the beginning of my life till now, where i finally know who i am and what I'm all about.



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  • 17 years ago

    by simplysarah

    Good poem. 4/5 4m me which is good

  • 17 years ago

    by Corruption

    This is great i think im almost done all of ur poems lmao no im not even close and now i gotta read ur new ones because im addicted to ur poems they r soooo great that i cant get enough lmao they r really good good job ttyl


  • 17 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Wow....awsome poem!!! i luved it!! a pure 5/5 for me!