Stay or go

by Broken and Fading Away   Sep 18, 2006

I hate myself, but i have to stay i cant let my family suffer that way, but will they even cry for me, does it really take suicide to make them see?

should i stay or should i go, with this life i just don't know, with a rope tied to my bed, or with a bullet through my head.

I'll jump in a river if i dare, doing all this shit so you will care. to throw myself in front of a car, i can't believe I'd go this far.

i really don't want to give up and quit, but i don't think i can handle this shit... i can't believe the thoughts in my head, i seriously don't wish to be dead.

sometimes i really love my life, and sometimes i want to grab a knife....

should i stay or should i go... with this life i just don't know!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Maggie Joseph

    Wow..its hard to believe that alot people feel that way..i feel that way b/c my mom them make my life hard and i just wish my life would end! well anywas good poem

  • 18 years ago

    by kaiLa


    you just wrote EXACTLY what i feel everyday!!!wow...

    hmm... it is really confusing... and i know that i have to make that decision very soon... :C


  • 18 years ago

    by SadKuteAngel

    Wow i really liek this one... makes me really think about my life.. and how i feel.... cuz i can totally realte to this.. good job :)

  • 18 years ago

    by eternalxxpromise

    Wow, i feel exactly this way...u just wrote what i feel everyday...... this poems extremely good. !!!!!!!!!!
    u took the words right outta my mouth ;) lol

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