Regretful Meaning

by Noir   Sep 19, 2006

One regret
Speck of dirt on clean glass
My regret is to find my meaning.

On this world I call home
I tried many things to quench my thirsty life.

But in the end I am left dehydrated
Of wisdom, intelligence and love
If I did gain my meaning:

Death would pat my back,
And beckon me to prepare my trip to purgatory
Or even the ravenous hell.


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  • 17 years ago

    by hadia

    Wow.. that explains a lot!
    you seem like a great writer!

  • 17 years ago

    by mikaella

    I really like this like alot "I tried many things to quench my thirsty life." i really like this part you should check out my poems and comment you might like them

  • 17 years ago

    by musiqlover015


  • 17 years ago

    by Cory Mastrandrea

    Love the way all the comments on your stuff are merely, good job. over your stuff. Glad no one could say anything that truly made an impression upon your poetry, whether criticizing or praising, just mere empty exaltation. Hopefully I am not the same.

    Your poem wasn't bad. Better than most I read on here, or off here for that matter. It reminds me of John Donne, the father of metaphysical wit. If you aren't familiar with him you should read him; he isn't bad. Real good at what he does though. Although I liked the poem just like it was, I wouldn't have minded a few more lines in the middle to flush out a few more ideas that could be inferred like the journey is more to be desired than the destination. Maybe a little more in the psycho analysis area of why, or what, or maybe how. Overall you do a good job of making the reader truly get into the poem a little more than most. A little investigation never hurt anyone. I just think by adding a tad here or there you could give the reader more to get in on. But that is my opinion.. It truly is good like this. Religious, spiritual, after life, metaphysical, thoughtful, philosophical--all nice touches.

  • 17 years ago

    by beautiful xx disaster

    This poem is really good
    simple... in a good way.
    keep t up.
    <3 jess
    p.s. comment back : )