Dripping blood

by G A Darkened   Sep 20, 2006

Dripping blood,
From my wrists,
Let it round down my arms,
Warm against me,
Yet making me as cold
As the death I seek,
Holding the knife,
Stained red,

I hold the rope,
In my left,
As I walk down the stairs,
To that place I seek,
It leads me on,
It leads me down,
Down these stairs,

I tie the knot,
That will take my breath,
From my bleeding body,
I tie it tight,
To see it hang,
Fills me with fear,
As I see what I am doing to me,

I step up,
To slip my head into the noose,
That hangs down for me,

I kick the chair,
As I fall I feel it tighten,
Just like life use to do to me,
But now I am falling,
For the last time,
No one to catch me,

Now I am swing,
Watching things blacken,
The knife slips from my grasp,
Back and forth,
I swing,

My blood flowing from me,
Leave me as cold,
As she did,


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Erika

    You know what's scary about this is that we just had a discussion about it not too long ago. In fact, I might bring this up next conversation...


  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    Amazing Poem.

    But don't ever do that ok?

    too many people would miss you..

    x3 Lauren

  • 18 years ago

    by sweet_tears

    Please dont do anything like that i love you keep your head up.5/5.

  • 18 years ago

    by Nicole

    Such a powerful poem. 5/5 it creates a vivid image in my mind. well done this was well written. keep writing

  • 18 years ago

    by hippiehxc

    This is a great poem. I love it. Keep writing.

    X3 Grace

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