Girlfriend(suicide part II)

by Chelsea R.   Mar 12, 2004

She walked back to her house
it was two blocks away
went to the kitchen and picked up a knife
went upstairs to her room
and sat on her bed
she couldn't believe
the boy she loved
just took his own life
her boyfriend no longer had hope
now she was left to cope
she took out some paper and a pen
on it she wrote
**I'm sorry to my family
I'm sorry to my friends
But my life I must take
I've got to put it to an end
don't worry about me
I'll be happier in heaven
there I will meet my boyfriend
And we'll be reunited again
Since 30 minutes before me
his life he did end
So goodbye everyone
I love you all
she set the letter beside her on the bed
she was crying uncontrollably
as she took the knife
and sliced her wrist
blood was dripping from the slit
and she lay down her head
her body felt weak
and she tried to speak
to whisper to her boyfriend
that she would see him soon
she shut her eyes tight
and tried to stop crying
with all her might
then her life ended
she gave up on the fight
ending the pain
that she didn't really have
till her boyfriend ended his life
and it drove her to the knife
her pain was ended also


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by Abep

    beautiful. it made me cry so awsome

  • 20 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    Thanx again Clarissa:0)
    Luv ya ~¤Chelsea¤~

  • 20 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    Nope this poem isn't true of the first poems I've written that wasn't about how I was feelin...along with Prom Queen and the Jock one but no none of those 3 are true I just came up with them off the top of my head. Luv Always *n* 4eva ~Chelsea¤~

  • 21 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    hey thanx Becca and Caz:0) It means a lot to hear that :0) thanx again
    Luv Always *N* 4eva ~¤Chelsea¤~

  • 21 years ago

    by Caz

    Iread both of the poenms and all i can say is wow!!!!!!!! ur a really great author and u have a remarkable gift so keep using it!