My Romeo and His Juliet

by myshiningstar14   Sep 20, 2006

You're my Romeo and
I'm your Juliet,
my heart is set,
and no one will love you

His smile,
Her laugh,
There love, like the
innocence of a
morning glory;
the depth drilled to
the core.
Baby you keep me
coming back for

I know you're the one
for me.
I've never felt this way,
and you mean more
than anyone to me.

Been together so long,
for what seems forever.
You murmer in my ear;
"I'll be your Romeo,
if you'll be my Juliet!"
My heart weakens,
leaking happy tears.

His eyes,
Her passion,
There hearts joined,
in the harmonious
music of there deepest

There's something about
I don't want to ever be
without you.

Hold me,
Love me,
Kiss me,
Sing to me.

You're my Romeo
and I'm your Juliet.
Our worlds united,
the sound of our love
condescending; leaving
nothing but hope.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    So sweet

  • 17 years ago

    by Corruption

    This is great i use to know the feeling but it truned out to be fake which is wat my poem love or not love is about lol well this is a great poems im gonna read more okay have a good day or night:D


  • 17 years ago

    by xXx3moBabe1507xXx

    Thts soo romantic...thts a really good poem unlike mine..mine are all depressing