If I Died In Your Arms

by xXx3moBabe1507xXx   Sep 21, 2006

If I died in your arms
would you cry
or leave me
and say goodbye

Thats the question
I wanna know
If you cry for me
I'll know that you truly loved me

And I can die in you arms
Knowing that I'll alway be loved
And always be in your heart and mind

But if you leave me and say goodbye,
I will then know that you never cared for me

Atleast i could cry in peace
Knowing that I was never loved
I'll die on the ground with no heart
Cause I know that you took it from me and ran away with it

So if i died in your arms
would you cry
or leave me
and say goodbye


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  • 18 years ago

    by callmecrazy

    Wow... this poem is amazing.
    i loved it.. keep writng .. ur really good

  • 18 years ago

    by Ray the emo i am

    Amazing, i know the pain of this, a great poem and good use of words amazing.

  • 18 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    This was a good poem, but it could have held much more emotion in it. I will say 5/5 cause i hate giving 4/5, but it was really 4/5. use bigger more emotional words for sad poems...
    good topic, though.
    nice write.

  • 18 years ago

    by Colby

    Hey BeachBabe its me colby, lol we talked for a lil while on the little chat room. Anyway I LOVE the peom, keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by matt

    Hey i liked ur peom u should do more like it my g/f just brok up with me 3 weeks ago over something so stupid and i ahve bine abousing drugs and alky to forget about her and ur peom really talks to me thanx