by Roxy
Wow your superly talented im addign you to my favorites !! |
by Krzysztof J
Sooo very very true, i soo need a hug now :) thank you loved reading it :) |
by Nicole
Wonderful poem. ur very talented. 5/5. keep writing. love reading ur poems |
by Amber Parker
I loved this! I can *completely* relate. (How sad does that make me?) |
by Angel
Ummmmm how funny..i have a poem named "confessions of an angel" it talks about the weaknesses and fears of angels...sort of like yours. |
Each of your poems have there own story thanx for such great work |
Really good..Its great.....Good job!!! ur a great writer!! |
by Faye
This is amazing, strong and renches the heart into a position that relates to it amazing. I love the titles to your poetry aswell, their amazing. 5/5! |
Hey thx for tha sweet...I really like this poem it's so deep...and true...much love, kt |
Nice Poem Well Written 5/5 |
by Krzysztof J
Its perfect :) its just liek i feel right now 5/5 |
Nice job! |
by Chris W.
Very good writting. and thanx for your comment |
Fair play babe that really connected with me, i been down that road myself and the best way i reckon to get out of it is to write poetry or just rambling on paper. you got a natural talent keep it going. |
by Pyro (Carys)
This poem is awesome, i luv ur work YAY YAY |
by sean
Really nice poem. I liked the title from the get go and thx a lot for your comment...this poem reminds me of my ghost poem but yours simplifies it:D |
by DarkJem
This ones my fav u like a lot of supernatural things, that's cool. |
I love it... |
by Lonesomeme
Great job! I enjoyed the whole poem, hiding something so personal from the rest of the world yet, the emotions and feelings so strong and powerful. Amazing writing, keep up the good work and best wishes. -Unattractive1 |
Awesome. That I really liked. It had such darkness and coldness. |