The Pain That No One See's

by ღ*MeEsHa*ღ   Sep 22, 2006

Why is there so much pain inside,
How can you feel like this,
like you've died,
I just wish to be set free,
Can't anyone take away my misery,
I love you so much,
I hope you'll aways be there,
Because you're the only one that really cares,
I hope you will always be there for me,
and maybe together we could be set free.

***LoVe Is FoReVeR***
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  • 18 years ago

    by syarah

    This is a Great poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by .x.HauNt.x.Me.x.

    This is good. well written
    short yet gets the message across.
    good work 5/5 xoxoxo

    could you pretty please comment on my poem hidden behind this mask.. i would really value your opinion of it :)
    thanks heaps

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