
by Simple Sensation   Sep 22, 2006

You ask me why.
Why do you cry?
Why do u make yourself slowly die?
Why, please tell me why

I cant stand the sound
I cant stand the sight
These two fingers make it better
These two fingers have become the highlight of my life

But it can kill you,
Or make you seriously ill,
Why do you do this?
Why, please tell me why

I know the risks
I know what it can do
But a part of me wants to die
Rather then live this lie

You want to die?
Rather then live a lie?
Why are you living a lie?
Why, please tell me why

This lie that im keeping
Has become my life
Only a few know
But many suspect

Who suspects?
Why dont you tell them the truth?
If they already know
What harm can it do?
Why, please tell me why

One asked me
Others asked a friend if she knew
I denied it she denied it
If I tell them ill lose them
They wouldntwant to hang out with me
So I live a lie
Waiting to die

You have to stop!
Its a disease
The cure lies within you
Why do you do this to yourself?
Why, please tell me why

I hate life
Im fed up with this lie
I want it all to stop
I want it all to go
I just want to die

This is not you talking?
It is the thing controlling you: mia
Dont let it control you
Stop doing what you do
Please stop what you do

You speak the truth
But it is such a hard thing to do
Still you speak the truth
So this is what I say to mia:
You will control me no more,
You will go!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bridgette

    I really, really like this poem. It starts out really sad and I really like the contrast of the questions and you answering them, and then it ends with you being strong and giving up the one thing that is holding you back. I think that this is a very inspirational piece. And I hope that many other people can get hope and strength from reading this. I think that you did an amazing job in writing this, it's very emotional and the flow was really good. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by VioletRaven

    I'd agree with Dumpstead and DarkSuicide on the technical aspects of parts to improve, but on the concept I think it was an interesting idea to have the two points of view, the questioning and attempting answers. I hope that eventually you find them.
    A very difficult topic to write about, so well done for attempting to.


  • 18 years ago

    by Danni

    THIS IS SOO GOOD!! i love it.

  • 18 years ago

    by BeautifulxMess

    Very sad. Very well written. And it is heart breaking to see someone make them self suffer so they can look "beautiful" 5/5

    God Bless,

  • 18 years ago

    by Dumpstead

    IF you are a sufferer of bulimia, please do not feel bad that I did not sympathize with you. Please remember that I comment only on the poem, not on your personality.

    A rare and nice concept to write about, but I keep on telling everyone, please use punctuation. I will rewrite the first stanza so that you will have some idea.

    You ask me why.
    "Why do you cry?
    Why do u make yourself slowly die?
    Why, please tell me why."

    Until the fifth stanza you believe in what you speak and in the fifth stanza, you question yourself? That spoils the reader's thought process and spoils the flow of the poem too. And then later you switch back to believing what you say.

    Pay more attention to the structure and rhyming.

    "Rather then live a lie?"?? Is it not "Rather than live a lie?" Chcek for typing and spelling mistakes before posting.

    Long poem, but for me it's of just right length. One more stanza an dI would have wriiten it off as a long poem. But take mmore time, if you do suffer from it, be brave and understand it more clearly, take time to feel and express yourself again. I flt that you are in a hurry ot express what you have felt.