Becoming Unconfined

by myshiningstar14   Sep 22, 2006

I'm becoming

and trends
hording us,
telling us,
confining us to who
we're going to be.

We're told who to love,
what to be.
We're loved for who we
are, not who we want to

Oh when will they see,
to let me live my life
and just be the me I
was meant to be.
So here I go, I'm
becoming unconfined.

I am who I am,
you can't stop me.
I am who I am,
no more will I feed
off you.

Curse the world,
burn the books,
go ahead give me dirty

Forget what you say,
I know I'll be okay.

Just let me be me,
and live my life, my

So I'm not with who
you told me to.
who cares.
what about what makes
me happy? what about
what I want?

Throw away,
burn away.
Hat away,
no more will
you stay.

My heart now breaths,
beating for tow, instead
of three.
Won't you come see my
world unbound by you?

I love him,
he's the one for me.
Corpsed in your tomb of
demand, now I have the
one I want to hold my hand.
I'm becoming unconfined.

It's my decision,
leave me be.
It's my life,
let me be me.

I'm becoming unconfined,
so I can begin to find,
the line between us.

I'm becoming unconfined.

**this is about life, how i felt the karma wasn't right between me and my now ex, and how the world and my friends told me otherwise. Sometimes u got to do things for yourself.**



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  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    I agree

  • 17 years ago

    by manic moments


    Everything is there. You listed our word in no certain order, but you still listed it. ANd the sad thing is... It's all we know, and it's all we are ALLOWED to know. It's amazing that you are speaking out against what people rely on. Your making everyone see the light in the shadow of people's one sided objective. Brilliant take on our nurtured lives. We DO need to learn how to become our own people, and not the replicas of people past.

    Love you too

    Love Niquee

  • 17 years ago

    by Lonelyman

    This isnt really a comment but i live in south jordan but it is still a great poem i feel for you

  • 17 years ago

    by Corruption

    This is awsome i ove it cant write much in tech class yuck and dont know when the comp will crash so thats all good job on the poems:D


  • 17 years ago

    by Lonelyman
