
by christine   Sep 24, 2006

Sunset shines upon thy grace
But diminishes without thy fall
Of madness on thy face.

No creature great or small
Can hide from thee's wrath
Bones shall only leave thy maul.

Bloodshed will be thy bath
That recreates a new
Forced to turn to a better path.

Then thee shall find a crew
Of similar faults and failures
Looking for redemption too.

But thee shall be tempted and lured
To commit crimes of hatred and lust
After this, thee may not be cured.

Those that have sworn and cussed
Of thee whom have not sinned
Shall be banished and lose thy trust.

Impaled and pinned
Are those that harm
And pierce thy skin.

A mighty wind will storm
And tear and consume
Any that will not disarm.

Wisdom shall loom
Among thy peers
But thee will not make room.

To heal thee must confront thy fears
Or thee shall die with wounds
And suffer many tears.

But if thee becomes profound
With his wise and peaceful heart
Mercy and forgiveness shall be found.


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