Cutting Your Life

by *Charisma*   Sep 24, 2006

Slice and dice your skin without a care
To relieve the problems you couldn't bear
Letting your blood drip all around
A puddle of frustration now on the ground

Relief for a moment, but the pain comes back
Tell me now, will you take another stab
Is it worth the few moments of silent peace
To bear these scars that ever increase

You can't truly forget the pain you endure
These scars are reminders that you're insecure
Instead of saying your upset with words
Your scars speak for those things unheard

And now the world will question you
And all these little marks you do
All those things you wanted to go away
Are questions now thrown upon your face

You aren't hurting the world, just yourself
Putting your feelings upon a shelf
Now your the victim and the one on trial
Because your choosing to live in denial

No one wants you to hurt anymore
So pick yourself up off the floor
Turn in your blade that's crippled your life
Let's try to make everything right

This silver knife isn't your protection
It's severing you from life's connection
We all want to see your beauty inside
But not for long if you keep using this knife


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  • 17 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Wow this one is way better than mine. I like the words you chose and the way you did it in general. lol. I'm glad someone else feels this subject isn't the answer. Great job 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by BeLLa

    WOW! i love this poem
    i went through a stage like this
    and then i realised i was just harming myself and i wasnt erasing the scars
    thankyou for writing this

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Good message in this one. I wish people didn't hurt themselves. You did a good job of portraying an important message to those who do. Nice job!

  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    COMMENT # 2

    the poem is cliche.. but its all about the way you write it.. and this is written beautifully .. the flow was perfect.. :D

  • 18 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    I think this also is another good poem by you. So far of yours I like 3. Very good writes on here. 5/5