You Just Left....

by LOVEmeNOT   Sep 24, 2006

You said you love me
And I thought it was the
Truth, but at the end you
Used me and left me with

I spent which is now worthless
Days with you, you said you
Really did love me and that I
Was your closest friend but
Your close friends you need
To take out of your life.

Me? Who made you happy
Who love you no matter what...
Who came back every time you
Pushed me away...who cared...
The one who loved you...who
Believed you and thought you
Loved me too.

And I thought about not believing,
I thought about leaving way before
This, but I thought give it a chance,
This can give you more at the end, and
Trying never hurt.

And even thought it didn't
Hurt to try, it hurt after everything
After I made it and put up with

But I'm not going to lie, I was
Happy once everything was done,
Because I didn't have to put up
With anything anymore, but then
That went away and the next
Day I didn't know what to do.

I was hurt and I knew I couldn't
Trust you anymore, which is hard
Because I really trusted you, I trusted
You as a friend and a lover
And we been through a lot and you
Knew everything

But that's all gone, you threw it away
I cant trust you, I'm sure if I can talk
To you just because I will still feel
The same and take as if nothing

I still love you and I still cant get
Over the fact about what happened.
I thought everything was good but,
I guess it wasn't. Now I sit here with
Nothing, regretting that I didn't end
It when I wanted too the first week.

That I stuck through everything
For nothing now, that I love you
And you let me go, the only thing
Is that my head is trying to forget
Someone that my heart can't.

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  • 17 years ago

    by LiveLoveTy

    This one really stood out to me. Its strong and very emotional. You make them sound as if you are spilling your heart out to the person you are writing about. As I said earlier, your an incredible writer. And this only makes my opinion grow. Great job.

  • 18 years ago

    by Alessandro

    Wow your poems are just brilliant.. for 2 reasons... 1. because they are just too amazing to explain and 2. because it is how i feel just i cannot get it on paper like you can

  • 18 years ago

    by Autuumnbree

    I really like this one and totally understand, so again nice job.