Im completely in love with you

by stacey   Mar 13, 2004

I'm not sure what to say or where to start
I just know if i lost you it would break my heart
Ive gone over these feelings a thousand times
You have no idea how i feel when i look in your eyes

You make me feel that I'm worth so much more
Ive never felt this way before
I wanna spend every minute of my day with you
It feels so good, because you feel the same way too

You make me feel so good about myself
I don't ever wanna be with anyone else
I want you to be the one i turn to every night
Just holding you close makes everything alright

When you look me in the eyes and tell me how much you care
It means so much to me cause i know you'll always be there
I know I'm the only one there in your heart
I don't want us to ever part.

I hope i never lose you, because you mean too much
I fall deeper and deeper whenever we touch
This may seem stupid, and you wont believe its true
I'm completely in love with you!!!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Roula

    Ohhhh this was so adorable, I wish all the best for the two of you, keep it up :)