Wish You Well

by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere   Sep 25, 2006

Wish You Well

I wish you well my dear
That you're happy with her
I was the perfection in your life
And you screwed it up
You thought that the mistake wouldn't find me
And you thought the one night stand
Wouldn't mean anything in the morning
Ended up being
With you for your entire life
At least let me believe
That you're sorry
You lost me
Admit to me
Straight to my face that
You thought sleeping with her behind my back
Wouldn't find its way to me
You tried, didn't you, to ignore me
But had to face me
You told me straight to my face
That you were drunk
Went home and slept with her
Now is having your child
How can I ever forget you Jesse
For tearing me up
For letting me believe we would be together forever
I guess not
So good-bye my dear
And I hope you're happy
And I wish you well


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Antares

    I agree with the comment from Adam, being drunk is not an excuse, at least not a good one. you're better off without someone like that. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashla

    Omg omg omg i loved this poem! its so awesome! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by CourtneyLouxxx

    Wow...amazing! =]

  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Oh god, this is an emotional poem written so talently, i can relate this to my poem THE LUCKIEST GUY, that I have written 2 part of,
    I know what you are going through as it is same for me. great job done, you almost made me crying,5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Krissey

    Whether or not this person tells you or not, they'll dfefinatly be regretting it sooner or later and the fact that they cheated will eventually eat at them and it will drive them crazy...I'm so sorry you've been treated that way..it makes me so mad when people cheat..its like they got no respect or trust or soberness for that matter...Still liked this poem though..the situation caused you to have a great write!