Once wasn't enough

by perfectlyBROKEN   Sep 25, 2006

I see a distant figure standin in the mist
as i am strolling up the alone pathway
your standing thinking everythings fine
but you will never know

You already hurt me once
why did you do it again
do you thinkits a game? do you think its fun
hurting people and watching them cry?

I wouldn't of thought that 2 years ago i thought you were great
you were my everything you were my rock
bu now your nothing to me, just a memory i am forgetting

i just start crying cos your so painful to look at
you ask me gently whats wrong
you say you can turn to me
i look up at you full of tears and reply how can i turn to you when you made me cry??


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  • 17 years ago

    by Brokenxx [aka Alex]

    I love this one. well written & heartfelt. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany Paige

    Thx for the comment...
    I like this poem but its sad
    U still did a good job lol
    Im glad u like my poem...
    Well hope to read from ya soon!
    ~lots of love~

  • 18 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    Loved it it was great well expressed :):)keep it up and ill keep reading plz r/r/c on some of my stuff please thnx xxx alex xxx