No One

by SilenceBreaksTheHeart   Sep 25, 2006

No one understands,
I'm alone inside.
With no one to hold my hand,
or be always by my side.

No one ever hears,
when I try to speak.
No one holds me near,
when I'm feeling weak.

There's always something wrong,
but no one ever asks.
I'm trying to be strong,
wearing my happy mask.

No one there to catch me,
when I trip and fall.
No one helps me see
that I don't have to crawl.

No one feels my heart,
beating oh so slow and sad.
They don't know I'm falling apart,
even when I'm glad.

My soul is getting cold as stone,
with every single tear.
I've been standing here alone,
for all my fifteen years.

***Once again I am not sure what to call thins one. Suggestions?


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  • 16 years ago

    by Brenden

    I love you poems and this one is no different. definitely going in my favorites.

  • 18 years ago

    by Pyro (Carys)

    I luv this poem i can really realte to ppl, i know exactly wat u mean. plz keep up the great work i luv it, =]=]=] comment on sum of mine if yu like

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    I absolutely loved this poem. It was great. Could I add it to my personal collection of favorites. I have my own folder of stuff I like. I'd love to add this. and as a suggestion for a title, I like the one you have but if you don't then maybe..."No One's There" hope it helps! Jpoet*

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