
by mcrmysbobertthe spanis pengien   Sep 26, 2006

As i hold this razor blade to my wrist
all i know will not be missed
you'll laugh at me in the blood on the floor
i cant take this any more
i know this way ill be happy

you'll never miss me
or care that I'm gone you'll smile and sing a happy song
you never cared at all
only acted and lied


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~Rae-Lee~

    Wow that is an deep poem!! You are an amazing poet!

  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Hey! You're poems are so good. But um, if you really are 13 like it says, may I just say , (and I hope it doesn't upset you) You are so young, why are you thinking of death? I mean, I'm 16 and I think about it and stuff, I also have tried to kill myself a lot of times. idk. I just hope that if you do try to kill yourself, that you stop. And I know that you might think I'm weird for asking, but it's just because I care. Well, ttyl. I enjoyed your poem. please check out mine and tel me what you think....lots of love.

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