Anthony Joseph Saviano

by Keeley Amberg   Sep 26, 2006

My dearest friend
You've gone away
A short life of
Only 18 years
Left with nothing
But the love
From everyone
We will always
Love and miss you
More then anything
This acceptance is hard
For the fact that you're
No longer here

I cried last night
Thinking of you
I felt something missing
That something is you
No longer here
To see your smile
Or to hold your hand
I'll go visit your grave
Of where you now lay

Your life was too short
We all agree
God's plan for you
Was not at all fair
We now stay here
And suffer without
Your being here
Alive and well
We miss you so much
Its now hard to smile

The tears they just flow
Every so often
I see your smile
When I close my eyes
But when I open my eyes
Its back to present day life
And no longer the past
Without you here
Many feel empty
We cry a lot
Missing & loving you so

We have many questions
For you just left
But you see Anthony
We love you
No matter what
And we always will
Love, cherish, miss
And adore you so much!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Doug

    This is really sad too? Thanx for the previous comment on my last poem

  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Hey I haven't talked to you in a while. How have you been? Is this poem true? If so I am deeply sorry for your loss. I pray you make it through okay. Well, it's late so I can make this too long. I just wanted to say hi and see how you have been. I guess I'll talk to you later...buh-bye!

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