by Gary Jurechka   Sep 26, 2006

A fortitude of futile fumblings
serene seraphs of serendipity
parables of palpable perceptions
conglamerations of cognitive conclusions

Wounded winds of worthless words
fly through my sky
like a flock of distant, disappearing birds.

compositions of concentrated comprehensions
abstruse adjectives of annihilation
inclement inclinations of imagination
convoluted conjunctions of conceptions

Wistful wishes of worthwhile words
written on the page,
read but not felt or heard.

mired in myriads of mortality
introverted intenseties of introspections
examplatory examinations of existentialism
ambient amnesty of ambiguities

Honesty is the truth you believe,
if you lie to your heart
it is only yourself you decieve.

learnings of lucid luminosity
meandering meditations of melodrama
decaying desolation of desperations
repercussions of resplendent righteousness

There is no right, there is no wrong:
there is only the eventual interpretation
of your own song.

reflected realities of reckonings
destined destinations of damnations
realizations of resurrected redemptions
sacred sanctuaries of salvations

Even with everything I now know
sometimes we are destroyed by what we reap
from the seeds we sow.

The only moral I have to tell
is that in this life we all create
our own heaven and our own hell.

And thus it is so,
passing through wounded winds we know,
hoping the wistful winds grow,

and still the whispering winds blow.

circa 1996-September, 2006

(NOTE:This piece was originally to be titled 'WISTFUL WINDS' but as it took on such dark undertones as it evolved,Wistful didn't seem right for the mood, so at the last minute I changed it to WOUNDED WINDS.It is meant as a sequel to an earlier piece, 'WHISPERING WINDS, though now I see it will be a trilogy of poems as I plan to write a more upbeat conclusion('Wistful Winds') someday.This is the first time I have actually planned a connected trilogy.I have another trilogy(The Beautiful Ones Fade, La Tristesse Durera, & J'entend To Coeur) which I never planned as a trilogy, as connected pieces(though each can stand seperately on it's own), each piece was written years apart, but tells a story.Also the piece ROUGH SEAS(very ameteurish) was two poems written seperately but later connected into a five part(but single piece).Whispering Winds was originally an experiment in alliteration(though at the time I didn't even know that's what it was called!).This piece here has haunted me for years off and on(ever since I thought of doing a sequel to Whispering Winds)-since 1996 and over the years I'd jotted down a line here and there(little bits & pieces), but really did the majority of it this year/month- and I am glad it is done, however it will never truly be finished until the third and final poem is written(which may be years from now)But I hope to end the trilogy on a wiser, more optimistic, note.Just as I have grown and learned much since writing Whispering Winds, to the writing of Wounded Winds, so I hope to have a different perspective for Wistful Winds.Until then, listen and feel the winds around you..............
P.S.-Sorry this note is almost longer than the poem!LOL.But felt I needed to comment.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Fluffy

    "learning’s of lucid luminosity
    meandering meditations of melodrama
    decaying desolation of desperations
    repercussions of resplendent righteousness"

    This is the second poem of yours that I have read, and what can I say...you're an exceptional poet :) The alliteration worked beautifully throughout the piece, the message so profound and woven into words so well. I applaud you, Sir, and thank you for sharing such a prodigy among us. :)

    Yours truly,

  • 18 years ago

    by Deana

    I really liked the style ,I think I`m still kind of green as a poet so I`m not sure I understood it all, but I liked what seemed to me to switch from very complicated to plainly stated ,I really liked that.

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    Gary everything I read of yours is wonderful. You have a given talent that few posess.

  • 18 years ago

    by in spite of love

    Wow, this was very good. i like how you used words begining with the same letter for each line. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Carrence Verona

    GoSh, i need a dictionary foR me to ReaLly understand your words.. & those lines aRe too deep i guess for me to appreciate everything.. anyway,, for the some of your poem that i read, it's great, you exactly express what you feel.. & you're a deep person,, so deep..