Comments : The Storm

  • 18 years ago

    by Misstress

    Fantastic desciptions, with a twist of great imagination and very good writing.
    Over all a poem that is a worthwhile read.

    God Bless!

  • 18 years ago

    by Lu

    You have created a masterpiece with the imagery displayed in this piece .

    We did have a thunder storm here today and your first 3 stanza described it perfectly ....although sadly the last stanza did not happen, unfortunatly the sun did not come back out .

    But you have painted with your words the perfect picture of " The Sorm"
    Wonderfully written !

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueDreams

    Yet another beautiful penned, oh my wonder of nature..."did i've said it before..? "Thunder roars with a big thud, Everywhere the lightening flashes, For cover everyone dashes, The rain that once was sleet, Now falls in one big sheet, To leave your house you need a boat, As it is now surrounded by a moat, The rain starts to ease, And the wind whispers through the trees, A hole in the clouds is in sight, With a glint of sun light, Now the storm has finished its run, Time to get back to fun.

    great penned....yet simply beautiuflly...whatever i hope you have a great day, take care, best wishes from west, bert. ~

  • 18 years ago

    by me

    Great poem i like it and thanks 4 commenting mine and ur right i should just tell my emotions instead of rhyming too much i will and 2nd im not dat good cuz im only 12 lol well good looks 1 5/5 in all poems

  • 18 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Very strong usage of imagery and words. Usually I don't like run-on poems. But you did an excellent job with this style.

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    Again, very nicely done. You worded this piece beautifull to create the beautiful imagery. Nicely done. I wouldn't change a thing. Keep on writing, you're great! 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by Mark

    I liked this poem.. it may be like a storm, but it's written in a calm way which is definately a job well done which deserves a 5/5.

  • 18 years ago

    by blueknight

    A VERY GREAT work wow I admire you by the way you can describe what you think inside and the creativity of your imaginbation and the choice of words by using some simple words the poems got the color and life

    Very well I dont have a word to suggest great work


  • 18 years ago

    by Arsalan D

    This poem has awesome imagery and I think thats the point of nature poems to take the reader in another place and change their whole enviroment through your words and your poem did exactly that. Very well penned. I love this stanza.

    Thick gray pillows of clouds roll
    across the sky, as booming claps
    of thunder roar with manly pride.

    Great Job

    Arsalan D.

  • 18 years ago

    by Stumbling Shaman

    Hm, interesting impression of a storm. My only question is what does the storm think of itself? If I had any criticism, it would be to use more metaphors in your descriptions. But then again, looking at my own ungodly scrawl, I'm not one to talk. Good little poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    Wow, I love your nature poems.. The imagery is so beautiful and really draws the reader in.. The flow worked pretty well and the descriptions were nice.. Nicely done, keep it up! 5/5

  • Hey well done! i done really like this kind of poem, as i said before, i but im not going to vote you down, just because of my taste.
    i like the way you written this poem, it rhymes well, the nly thing i would suggest is to capitialise all the I's in words like In and It's. i don't get bothered by that, but some people do.
    Anyways, well done def 5/5
    Love Mel

  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    Just so you know, since you did win im giving you very indepth critique- but dont think that i hate your poems and they are horrid! lol. i just konw you are a great writer so i want to hepl you to you highest potential.
    i like the syncopated rhythm of this poem its very cool but you should watch it a little, in a few spots it breaks up the main ideas and is a little choppy.
    *some of the language is slightly-i dont know- young.
    ~Ex of both those things^
    Lightning strikes and *lights* maybe illuminates?*
    the sky a beautiful shade
    of gold.
    and i think it could be-
    Lightning strikes and illuminates the sky
    a beautiful shade of gold.

    *Lastly the ending is a little dorky- thats what? it should be changed, and 'thats what' shoudl be removed.

    but a great poem., better than alot.



  • 18 years ago

    by Edward D Zurovec

    WOW THIS WAS EXCELLENT 555,,very good wording ryhmning,imagery and flow hope this vote brings the 4.9-5.0