by Wishing4perfect   Sep 28, 2006

You don't really know what love is, until you find it and you don't really know what's out there until you search for it. But once you've been through pain and sadness of dating the wrong ones, you'll eventually find the right one. the one that makes life makes sense, and makes you feel like you have a reason to live. he'll never laugh at your dreams, and he'll be the inspiration of everything you do. He'll look into your eyes and tell you you're the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. He'll bring you flowers when you least expect it. He'll call you just before you get into bed at night, to say he loves you or just because he's thinking about you. He'll always be a shoulder to cry on and make your day so much better by just listening to your problems. He'll never ditch you for his friends because he'll love spending time with you. and the best part of all, he'll always be there for you to love and to feel comfort in his warm embrace. Once you find him, don't let him go.


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