
by Chloe [*]   Sep 28, 2006


Quiet yet her mind is so full of things to say.

Shy yet her mind is speaking 1000 words.

Beautiful yet scared to show herself to the world.

smart yet scared of what people will think.

Immature yet ready to escape into the world.

Loving everyone for Who they are and yet unable to accpet people love her back.

Sick of everyone running to her yet there is No one for her to Run to.

Life is hard yet she is letting it be to easy because she is scared to let go.

Leave her alone yet she is Lonely.

wants people to understand yet she has her mask on.

Wanting someone to talk to yet to stubborn to let anyone in.

as she sits back and watches everyone go on with her life she asks herself why she cant do the same?



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  • 18 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    This is such a powerful poem, everybody is somewhat scared of reality and what others will think no matter what they say. If you never get over your fear then all you'll have is what if's excellent job 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by .:bree:.

    Love Ya Chloe!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Miss Lovely

    Its really good...keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    This was a nice piece. I enjoyed it! 4/5 Jpoet*